In the year 2060, to solve various supernatural crises, the world organization selects elite agents from around the world to form crisis bureaus. Dangerous Situations forces to select elites from the elite to form an army of Aces, named Phantom. Three years ago, during the task of searching for treasure, due to the gullible captain, Hyway, the Phantom Army was attacked by Derek’s Army, and almost all of them were killed in the operation. Hyway himself is pushed by Derek and falls into a cliff. However, the Immortal Stone treasure, accidentally entered into Hyway’s body that brought him back from the dead, acquired the ability to control time, and possessed superpowers such as static time and time reversal. Our protagonist has been living as a fugitive ever since. Hyway doesn’t want to face the past, chooses to remain anonymous, live a simple life, and keep the war going. Time Prisoner subtitle indonesia, english, portuguese, turkish, spanish, italian, polish, arabic
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Time Prisoner
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Time Prisoner, 时间囚徒
Status: Completed Network: Youku Animation Studio: Azure Sea Studios Released: Oct 03, 2021 Duration: 17 min. per ep. Season: 1 Type: OVA Episodes: 12 Fansub: Chinese Anime
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Watch Time Prisoner
Episode Title
Release Date
10Time Prisoner Episode 10 SubtitleDecember 9, 2021
9Time Prisoner Episode 9 SubtitleDecember 9, 2021
8Time Prisoner Episode 8 SubtitleDecember 9, 2021
7Time Prisoner Episode 7 SubtitleDecember 9, 2021
6Time Prisoner Episode 6 SubtitleNovember 13, 2021
5Time Prisoner Episode 5 SubtitleOctober 26, 2021
4Time Prisoner Episode 4 SubtitleOctober 18, 2021
3Time Prisoner Episode 3 SubtitleOctober 11, 2021
2Time Prisoner Episode 2 SubtitleOctober 6, 2021
1Time Prisoner Episode 1 English SubtitlesOctober 4, 2021
Today is Sunday. I hope you will upload episode 5 soon.
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